A glimpse into the world of power

This is a power station. It's called that because the nice people that run it are able to exert a lot of power in Europe, and in lots of countries, in order to achieve their dreams.


People that have power always want more of it, and despite everybody living on the same planet they don't care about the air that you and your children breathe, or the dangerous heating of our planet. We think they must have a special bit set aside where the impacts on planetary existence by climate change won't be felt.

We wish them well.

Perhaps they don't believe that human induced climate change is real, or not their fault. In that sense, it doesn't matter whose fault it is, because we haven't got time to make them sit on the naughty step. We have to get busy pointing out that anyone who gets a mandate to transport fossil fuels about 5,000 miles, or 8,000 km, across the world from the USA needs a bit of a good talking too. The weird thing is that the people who are supposed to see through this sort of thing have been completely taken in.

Magic pixie dust.

Available on the dark web, in handy sized reusable sachets, just one sprinkle over the head of an MP, for example, turns a serious question about carbon footprint or PM2.5 emissions or CO2 emissions that are higher than coal into a beaming smile and a bit of a jaunty walk back to limousine seriously chuffed about jobs and the economic outlook.

There, the secret's out.

We hear that there's now a plan to collect old odd socks from around the world, and bring them to a secret base in the UK where they will be converted into sock pellets, that are totally sustainable, and have zero emissions of any kind. All certificates of compliance will be overseen by the secret base, and no information will have to be released about any emissions, if there were any, which there aren't.

Well, not more than about 3000gCO2e/kWh anyway. That's nothing. Nothing that a little bit of lobbying and extra special crocodile tears won't sort out.

And that magic pixie dust.


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