Drax: how long can this go on for?

Stand by.

In the year 2014

You'll all be familiar with this of course, so bear with us whilst we go over some old ground, and we'll see if we can piece a story together, starting with 154 pages of information about using North American woody biomass for electricity generation in the UK. Like all good thrillers, the real story doesn't start here, but we'll have flashbacks, when the screen goes wavy in front of your eyes, to fill in what happened before this.

The key words here though are woody biomass.

Let's begin.

This document was written by real scientists. Now we only have three lifelines, so we're hoping that one of them is to phone a famous scientist friend as many times as we need to. Don't worry, we'll be turning the first page over next, and your patience will be rewarded.


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