Welcome to The Dormouse That Roared blog
A warm welcome to our new blog. It's somewhere where we can go into a bit more detail, and it can be more of a reference point where needed, and unlike tweets, entries here can be updated when needed. Tweets flow rapidly out of sight, mostly, and we don't always want that to happen, especially where #ClimateBreakdown is concerned.
We will sometimes use [B] to show there's a blog entry, because there won't always be space in the tweet for it.
We will probably go back through twitter (@DormouseRoared) to see if there is information we should make available on this blog.
We may also be able to have guest blogs on here as well, and just let us know if you want a topic to be covered or if we should correct something.
We will try to get a balance between some very good changes that can come out of rethinking the way the world works and exploring topics of interest. It was deciding to understand what was going on with #COP24 in Katowice, Poland that brought everything into focus. One one level it is a simple problem, but the obfuscation and self interest envelope the problem in clouds of smoke.
As has been said before, "we are standing on the shoulders of giants".
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